Carta modelo para la Ciber protesta dirigida al gobierno chino

El objetivo es mandar millones de correos electrónicos, videos, fotografías de animales maltratados, centenares de cartas, bombardear las embajadas chinas de todo el mundo con llamadas telefónicas, faxes... todo para pedir que se voten leyes nuevas que recojan la protección de los animales.

13 abril 2006

El mensaje va a ser claro:

La coalición internacional anti pieles no parará hasta que pongan freno al brutal e inhumano comercio de pieles. Queremos mostrar que somos una alianza mundial contra los crímenes de la moda. No hay excusa para asesinar cruelmente a animales indefensos.

Qué puedes hacer:

  1. Enviar correos masivos el día 13 de abril a la embajada china en tu país.
  2. Enviar cartas, poemas, canciones, videos, cualquier cosa que se te ocurra para denunciar la terrible situación que viven los animales en las granjas peleteras chinas, incluso un ramo de flores en señal de condolencia por el terrible destino y la muerte de estas criaturas, adjuntando una tarjeta que exprese nuestro mensaje con contundencia.
  3. Pedir a tus activistas locales que envíen un comunicado de prensa adhiriéndose a estar ciber protesta y haciéndose eco de la terrible situación que denunciamos.
  4. Enviar este mail a todos tus contactos para que se unan a nosotros en esta denuncia.

Para obtener la dirección de la embajada china en tu país haz clic aquí.

Desde AnimaNaturalis, te damos las gracias por colaborar en esta campaña de la International Anti-Fur Coalition y por alzar la voz en defensa de quienes no pueden hablar por ellos mismos.

Carta cedida por International Anti-Fur Coalition

Carta modelo

The Honorable Hu Jintao
President of the People's Republic of China
C/o the Honorable (Nombre del embajador de china en tu país)
Chinese Ambassador to the (País)
Embassy of the People's Republic of China
(Dirección de la embajada china en tu país)

Dear Mr. President,

The Chinese government has now acknowledged the barbarous acts of cruelty that are routinely perpetrated against animals in China and has pledged to improve conditions for these animals.  This is an important first step. However, until a comprehensive set of animal welfare laws are enacted and enforced, the animals of China will continue to suffer on a scope and to a degree that is unparalleled.
Until China takes this assault on animals seriously and enacts robust animal protection laws, we will boycott all Chinese goods and travel.

In China today, dogs and cats, many of them once somebody's pet, are being slaughtered for their fur. In China today fur bearing animals such as raccoons, fox and rabbits are being skinned alive. In China today, bears who spend their lives confined to small cages are screaming in pain as bile is extracted from their gall bladders.

These are only a few examples of the type of misery endured daily by China's magnificent animals.  In a land with no laws, anything is possible, and when anything is possible, every horror imaginable occurs. Take for example the now infamous videos of the Chinese businesswomen crushing a small kittens to death with her stiletto and boot heels (below are some of photos). These and other forms of animal abuse cast a dark shadow across China and its citizens.  We know there are millions of good hearted Chinese people in China, but the impression the world has in general is that people in your country are all heartless and savages.

More ghastly images of the crush videos here:

Animal cruelty exists in all nations.  What separates China is its acceptance of barbarity, torture and gruesome violence against its weakest and most innocent members. It is time for China to recognize non-human animals as sentient, living beings that deserve certain rights of their own. It is time for China to put an end to their nightmare. At a minimum, we ask that China:

- Ban the live skinning of any animal;
- Ban the trade in dog and cat fur;
- Ban the trade in dog and cat meat;
- Ban the trade in bear bile;
- Ban all forms of cruelty to animals.

- Open up the fur animal farms for investigation
We urge China to act now on its recent pledge to improve animal welfare and immediately implement the proposed protection laws.  The world is watching. This is an important opportunity for China to restore its reputation in the international community and demonstrate that it shares the values of other modern nations, or even that it can set the values of a modern world and lead other nations into the  future.

Nombre y apellidos

Necesitamos tu apoyo

AnimaNaturalis existe porque miles de millones de animales sufren en manos humanas. Porque esos animales necesitan soluciones. Porque merecen que alguien alce la voz por ellos. Porque los animales necesitan cambios. Porque en AnimaNaturalis queremos construir un mundo más justo para todos.

Las donaciones puntuales y periódicas de nuestros socios y socias son la principal fuente de nuestros fondos.